Teach With Us

Extended, Professional and Continuing Education (EPaCE) is focused on delivering high quality academic programs and professional training programs that enable our alumni and regional workforce to reskill and upskill in today's technology-driven marketplace. Cal Poly EPaCE courses can be delivered via the classroom; online, with the potential to reach a wider audience; or in hybrid form with both online and on-campus sessions.

If you need some assistance going from concept to reality, we can walk you through the steps to help develop successful programs, both in the short and long term. We look forward to working with you on your academic initiatives and are here to support your success.


How Cal Poly EPaCE Works for You

Our services include all aspects of the course administration and more:

  • curriculum review
  • preparing timelines and deadlines
  • insurance and risk management review
  • marketing research
  • contract preparation
  • marketing
  • managing the budget
  • scheduling and registration
  • courses evaluation

We will also ensure that university policies and procedures are followed to minimize risk and maximize success.

Submit a Course Proposal

If you are interested in teaching a non-offered course, please fill out the PDF below and email it to extended@calpoly.edu with the subject line "Course Proposal".

Deadlines for Course Proposals

Course Category Summer Fall Winter Spring
Academic Credit & Professional Development February 1 May 1 August 1 November 1

How Self-Support Works

Cal Poly EPaCE is a self-support entity at Cal Poly and does not receive any state funding; therefore all costs must be recovered from course fees. Costs will include some or all of the following: instructor salaries, instructional supplies, facility and equipment rental, travel and per diem, administrative overhead, etc. We ask that a thorough estimate of expenses associated with running the program accompany your Course/Program Proposal. A program coordinator will review all expenditures and prepare a budget to ensure the program’s success.

Special Session Course Information

Do you have an exceptional hobby, professional skill, or area of study and want a chance to share it with the world? Creating an EPaCE course is a great opportunity to cultivate your expertise and interests while offering educational opportunities to students and the community. Cal Poly EPaCE courses can be delivered via the classroom; online, with the potential to reach a wider audience; or in hybrid form with both online and on-campus sessions.

If you need some assistance going from concept to reality, we can walk you through the steps to help develop successful programs, both in the short and long term. We look forward to working with you on your academic initiatives and are here to support your success.