Confirmation of Enrollment
Upon registration, a record of your enrollment in a course, conference, workshop or seminar is emailed to you. You may request an additional confirmation by contacting our office.
Continuing Education Unit (CEU)
One CEU = ten contact hours of participation in organized Extended, Professional and Continuing Education (EPaCE)/training experience under responsible, qualified direction and instruction (definition of the International Association for Continuing Education and Training-IACET). Continuing Education Units (CEUs) are based on the number of sixty-minute contact hours for a course or program. (Example: If a course or program meets ten contact hours, you will receive one CEU.) To receive CEUs, you must be present for the entire course or program.
Earned CEUs may be useful in maintaining certification or licensing. They may also document your continuing professional education for an employer, association or credentialing agency. CEUs are for non-credit courses or programs. They cannot be converted to quarter or semester hour credit and they cannot be applied to degree programs. If you have questions about CEUs, please contact EPaCE. CEUs are not rewarded retroactively.
Course Fees
State law requires that Extended, Professional and Continuing Education (EPaCE), as an entity of the California State University system, must be self-supported. Taxpayer-generated funds do not provide support to EPaCE. Course requirements determine the fee for each credit or non-credit course. Course fees are subject to change.
Please note: In the event that you need to withdraw from a course or EPaCE cancels a course, please see “Course Withdrawal and Refund” below.Without exception, students are required to pay all outstanding debt before registering for an upcoming term. Students who receive a financial aid refund (loans, grants and/or scholarships) are advised to confirm that all charges to date have been paid in full.
EPaCE reserves the right, even after initial fee payment is made, to increase or modify any listed fees, without notice, until the date when instruction for a particular quarter, intersession and/or class has begun.
Course Withdrawal and Refund
If Extended, Professional and Continuing Education (EPaCE) cancels a course for which you have paid fees, you will receive a full refund.
To drop an academic credit course, you must officially withdraw (see below for specific details). Non-attendance, stopping payment on a check or payment voucher, or simply informing the instructor, does not constitute an official withdrawal. Stopping payment will result in a financial obligation to the university in the amount of the original check plus a $35 charge. Failure to withdraw officially in writing could result in a failing grade or non-eligibility for a refund.
Documentation and approval needed to withdraw from class, by course type:
- Academic Credit Classes: Classes may be dropped by the add/drop deadline within your Cal Poly portal. After the add/drop deadline, email extended@calpoly.edu for a Petition to Withdraw form. Note: Students will receive a “W” after the add/drop deadline.
- Continuing Education Unit (CEU) classes: Email extended@calpoly.edu to request to withdraw from a CEU course.
- Non-Credit (NCR) classes: Email extended@calpoly.edu to request to withdraw from a non-credit course.
- Refunds: Email extended@calpoly.edu if you have a credit on your account and would like a refund.
Academic Credit Refund Policy
For Academic Credit courses, please refer to course or program information.
Extended, Professional and Continuing Education (EPaCE) exercises great care in selecting knowledgeable and competent instructors. We make no guarantees, expressed or implied, that classroom instruction will result in specific gain. We cannot be held responsible for any loss, material or otherwise, incurred while following an instructor's directions. EPaCE is not responsible for any personal property left behind. Students take courses at their own risk.
EPaCE is not responsible for typographical or pictorial errors on our website or in any printed material that we may distribute. We reserve the right to correct all printed/web errors. Any typographical error related to any course or policy listed on our webpage will be corrected in the applicable area. EPaCE reserves the right, even after initial fee payments are made, to increase or modify any listed fees, without notice, until the date when instruction for a particular quarter, intersession and/or class has begun.
Privacy Statement
When you register for a program, we collect personal and business information such as name, mailing and e-mail addresses, telephone number, gender, age, birthdate, and credit card information for payment purposes.
The information we collect is used solely for university purposes such as maintaining accurate student records and keeping you informed about university programs and services. This information may only be released to a court or government agency if required by law.
Procedure for Paying Fees
When you register for Extended, Professional and Continuing Education (EPaCE) classes that offer academic credit, charges will appear in your student account at the time of enrollment. It is your responsibility to log into your student portal to make payment by the due date(s). See the full instructions for paying fees on the Paying Extended Ed Fees Page.
Use of Birth Date
The university uses student information to identify records pertaining to the student. Be prepared to provide your birth date and other information as documentation for your student records. A unique ID will be assigned to your records when you are added to the database. Contact our office if you need assistance to access your ID information.