Professional Certificate Programs

Ideal for working professionals, community members as well as matriculated Cal Poly students, professional certificate programs offered through Cal Poly Extended, Professional and Continuing Education (EPaCE) provide expertise in a variety of subjects. Participants are not required to apply for admission to these certificate programs or to enroll in all courses offered. Those that choose to complete the required courses will be awarded a certificate.

The professional certificate is not designed for matriculated students to complete requirements for a degree, rather each course is designed to increase competence. As for any courses offered through EPaCE, we reserve the right to cancel, postpone or combine classes. Classes may be cancelled if fewer than the required number of students enroll. Every effort will be made to avoid canceling classes. However, Cal Poly EPaCE receives no support from public funds and the necessity of operating on a self-supporting basis requires registration minimums.

Coding bootcamp card image

EPaCE Tech Bootcamps*

Cal Poly EPaCE is offering a comprehensive cybersecurity and coding bootcamp programs powered by the longest-running and most successful bootcamp provider, Fullstack Academy.

Tech Bootcamps
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Business Analytics

The Professional Certificate in Business Analytics empowers graduates with the knowledge, tools, and decision-making skills to solve businessesʼ most pressing problems while advancing their professional careers in the exciting and fast growing field of data analytics.

Business Analytics

Professional Advancement Courses

Project Management Institute

Exam Preparation Program

Cal Poly EPaCE offers two project management exam preparation classes to prepare you to take your career in project management to the next level.

View PMI Exam Preparation Classes

Online Courses

These online courses are longer in duration, six months more or less, and can be started at any time (check individual class info). You proceed at your own pace and gain a more in-depth knowledge of the subject matter covered.

Online Courses

SHRM Certification Exam Preparation Program

The SHRM Certification Exam Preparation Program offered by CSUSM is designed to help HR professionals prepare for the SHRM-CP and SHRM-SCP exams. The course focuses on enhancing both behavioral and technical HR competencies to make an immediate impact in the workplace and advance careers.

SHRM Certification Exam Preparation Program

Sponsored CEUs

The following Sponsored CEUs include: courses taught by Cal Poly faculty on campus, scheduled online courses taught on a six week repeating schedule by contracted providers, and courses taught online at your own pace.

Courses for Teachers

Fuels and Vegetation Education

Swanton Pacific Ranch's Fuels and Vegetation Education (FAVE) program educates current and career-transition professionals and veterans in wildfire fuel mitigation measures and ecological restoration with the long-term goal of increasing the pace and scale of vegetation management to build a more sustainable and fire resilient landscape for every Californian.

Funded by a CALFIRE Healthy Forest Initiative Grant and kicking off in March 2022, Swanton Pacific Ranch's Fuels and Vegetation Education (FAVE) program offers free twice monthly webinars, monthly field-based workshops in every corner of California, and biannual full day symposia for the life of the grant (through February, 2025).

Contact: Kelly Meyer
Fuels and Vegetation Education (FAVE) program Coordinator

View More information about Swanton Pacific Ranch's Fuels and Vegetation Education (FAVE) program