Expanding Opportunities

Extended, Professional and Continuing Education
Cal Poly Extended, Professional and Continuing Education (EPaCE) provides access to Cal Poly and expands learning opportunities for individuals through a variety of academic and professional programs. Upgrade your skills or find a new field. Learn more by viewing current offerings.
Explore all of the Cal Poly EPaCE programs.
Featured Programs

Business Analytics
Data has changed the way businesses make decisions and the way business leaders give their companies a competitive edge. The Professional Certificate in Business Analytics can empower graduates with the knowledge, tools and decision-making skills to solve businesses’ most pressing problems, while advancing their professional careers in the exciting and fast-growing field of data analytics.
Business Analytics
Cal Poly EPaCE Tech Bootcamps
Cal Poly EPaCE is offering a comprehensive cybersecurity bootcamp and coding program powered by the leading online bootcamp provider, Fullstack Academy. Whether you are a complete beginner or a seasoned programmer, these bootcamps will help you develop essential professional skills in landing your dream tech job.
Tech Bootcamps
Quarter Plus
The Quarter Plus program is for incoming first year students that are seeking an intensive academic opportunity to accelerate their college experience. Quarter Plus kicks off before the start of fall quarter and allows new Cal Poly students to acalemate to college life in San Luis Obispo and campus.
Quarter Plus*Cal Poly EPaCE Professional Online, Tech Bootcamps, in partnership with FullStack Academy, are neither taught by Cal Poly faculty, nor affiliated with Cal Poly’s Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering.